Biosafety Focal Point

Biosafety Focal Point:

The SEA was also designated the Biosafety Focal Point with the responsibility of liaising with the Secretariat of the Convention of Biological Diversity (SCBD). Functions of the Focal Point include:

  • Receiving and responding to information and notifications from the SCBD
  • Facilitating international information sharing through the Biosafety Clearing House Mechanism
  • Placing a copy of the Biosafety Act and regulations and other instruments promulgated under it on the BCH:A copy of the Biosafety Act has already been placed on the BCH under the link
  • Summaries of risk assessments carried out under the Act
  • Submitting reports on the implementation of the Cartagena Protocol in Swaziland: Swaziland has submitted two reports on the National Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol.
  • National Decisions regarding imports and intentional release of GMOs within 30 days of such decisions or changes to decisions being made.

As the National Focal Point for the Protocol, SEA is required to ensure that the following are available through the BCH:

i.        Swaziland’s laws, regulations and guidelines for implementation of the Protocol:

ii.        Any bilateral, regional and multilateral arrangements that Swaziland has entered into in the area of Biosafety

SEA has also submitted the following reports to the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity:

i.        First National Report (2007)

ii.        Second National Report (2011)

iii.        Third National Report (2015).